I am Xenia, a wife and a mother of three wonderful children who has struggled with exhaustion and depression for a long time. But my life is a journey towards brighter times, towards a more positive and healthy life filled with joy and gratitude. Every day is a new opportunity to embrace the beauty of life, to find strength in my struggles, and to let the love for my family and myself guide me forward. Through my experiences and my struggles, I hope to inspire others to never give up and to always hold on to hope for a brighter tomorrow.

On this page, I’ll be sharing my passions for self-care, interior design, fashion and travel. Join me as we explore ways to nurture ourselves, create beautiful spaces, stay stylish and embark on exciting journeys around the world.

Self-care books and others can be found on amazon. Just search for Xenia Wester and you´ll find them. (Amazon.com : xenia wester)

“The happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts.”

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